
Build a new network

Multi-service edge routing software for telcos

We’ve done three fundamental, new things...

...that have changed everything!

We’ve replaced hundreds of ‘state databases’ in each network element with one - so it's simple to automate We’ve built modular code – using discrete interchangeable blocks We've taken a ‘cloud-native’ approach, using independent microservices running in Linux containers

To deliver multi-service edge routing...

...but better...

Using your choice of open hardware with high availability and at a fraction of the cost: BNG, L2 Ethernet, CGNAT, Peering...

So now you can become...

...a ‘cloud-native’ carrier

RtBrick has created a new way for you to build and run your network, applying a cloud-native approach to carrier networks. RtBrick’s multi-service edge routing software shifts the control of your network from your vendors to you. So, now you can build a network with cloud-native agility, at carrier-scale and at much lower cost.

Build like a cloud-native

With a disaggregated network

Open, controllable, lower-cost

It's time to embrace a new way of building networks

We are RtBrick

and this is our vision for the industry